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What is a Pre-Arrangement?

Pre-Arrangement is the planning of a person’s funeral needs and desires. This should include all services, selection of merchandise, biographical data, and special instructions in advance of an untimely need.

Services should include professional and staff functions, facilities, equipment, and transportation needs.

Merchandise includes Cemetery/Mausoleum property, memorial or monument, caskets, vaults and grave liners, urns, clothing, and other specific needs of each particular family.

Biographical data should include personal statistics and history, memorial instructions, important document location, and a list of relatives and friends.

Pre-Arrangement will not lessen the grief and anguish of death, but it will relieve your family of the stress and burden of making all the necessary funeral arrangements during a very traumatic time.

Why is Pre-Arrangement Important?

Pre-Arrangement is important in your overall estate planning. It gives you the time now to decide what is best for you and your family without placing the burden of making difficult decisions at a time of great personal loss. It gives you the peace of mind that the service you feel is most appropriate for you and your family is properly arranged. It will guarantee primary funeral costs at today’s price and protect assets for uses other than funeral expenses, thereby ensuring that no future additional funds are necessary. It assures that services will be provided even when funds may have been depleted at the time of loss.

How is Pre-Arrangement Funded?

Your money is placed into an Irrevocable Trust Account.

Will I Have to Pay More at the Time of Death?

The Holden, Dunn and Lawler Funeral Home guarantees certain prices that are included in the Pre-Arranged Funeral Service Contract. Any extra costs, usually cash advances such as the minister, church, music, flowers, newspaper, permits, and cemetery expenses are not guaranteed but are subject to actual pricing at the time of need.